Jonathan Phelps
1. What inspired you to become a CrossFit coach?
Having taken part in the classes for a good few years, I felt it was a good opportunity to help others enjoy Crossfit.
2. How long have you been involved in CrossFit, both as a participant and as a coach?
Since 2012/13.
3. What certifications and qualifications do you hold related to CrossFit and fitness training?
CF-L1 Trainer, Bsc (Hons) Sports Conditioning & Coaching.
4. Can you describe your coaching philosophy and approach to training athletes?
Don't take it too seriously! Come in, get sweaty, have fun!
5. What do you believe are the most important qualities of a successful CrossFit coach?
Listen, get to know what they want and help people move better.
6. How do you customise workouts to accommodate different skill levels and abilities within a class?
Try to give them as many options or variations to scale as possible (always new ways to do things that will click for some and not for others) and let them explore! Although, I will tell them if I think they are shithousing at the end of the WOD and should have gone heavier or chosen a more difficult movement!
7. What strategies do you use to keep your athletes motivated and engaged?
8. Can you share a memorable success story of an athlete you have coached?
The ones that stick with me are getting people to do simple things like a handstand for the first time or breaking the double unders out!
9. How do you stay updated with the latest CrossFit techniques, trends, and research?
Professional Coach is always a good read, but the programming and the coaches who program always have great content on their social feeds.
10. What advice would you give to someone new to CrossFit and considering joining your class?
Just give it a go! The worst thing that can happen is you'll get fitter and develop a trainer addiction!