Find the Right One for You

Classic CrossFit. These sessions consist of a warm up, a skill or strength element, followed by the "WoD" (workout of the day) which can be short, long, bodyweight, barbell, dumbbell, heavy, light, simple, technical - different every day, constantly varied, never boring.
Join our Early Bird (6am), DayFit (9.30am) or evening (5.30pm & 6.30pm) sessions!

Combining elements from CrossFit’s Weightlifting, Powerlifting & Conjugate Methods and Mobility specialties, this session aims to:
Build your skill levels in all of the barbell lifts used in CrossFit (all varieties of snatch, all varieties of clean, all varieties of overhead press and jerk, all varieties of deadlift, all varieties of squat, thrusters, sumo deadlift high pulls);
Work on your mobility;
Get you stronger; and
Bulletproof your body, helping you to lift more, safely.
Runs every Wednesday at 5.30pm.

Running alongside most of our CrossFit sessions, come in and work on particular skills or hit some strength work.
Only stipulations are that you are an experienced CrossFitter and that you have a plan of what you are going to do.

Get your Olympic Lifting skills on point!
Olympic weightlifting, strength and accessory work class that will help you brush up on your lifting skills, and help to improve strength and mobility.
Led by a British Weightlifting qualified coach, every Tuesday at 7.30pm.

It's all about power output - high reps, big pump, big numbers!
Unconventional and therefore effective, expect to be challenged both mentally and physically!

60-90 minute sessions with a greater focus on high skill movements.
Equally as suitable for intermediate and advanced athletes (as everything has a progression to the full movement). Especially in the 90 minute sessions, expect to have time to work indepth on skills and techniques.